Sometimes, border crossings can be stressful. Waiting in long lines, confusing signs directing you in different directions, language barriers, passing through customs, questions, glares, and guns are typical at a country’s entry point.
When we left Malaysia by boat bound for Thailand we were unsure what to expect, but we were very plesantly suprised. Our ferry boat stopped in the cystal clear water at the border and we boarded a longtail that took us to the shore of an idylic beach. After giving me a sly smile and bro-head-nod for traveling with my hot girlfriend the immigration officer stamped my passport and provided me a free 30-day visa. The biggest surprise was that I wasn’t handed a cold cocktail. At this point we knew that our travels through the islands of Thailand would be nothing short of awesome.

Our first stop was Koh Lanta, a large island just off the south-western coast. It was a great introduction to the country’s islands. Lanta is relatively large in size, with plenty to explore. The locals and ex-pats are simlarly open and friendly. It has a rowdy nightlife if you seek it out, yet it’s certainly not the highlight. We were able to rent a motor bike for $6 a day and explore the long stretches of beaches, the hidden coves, and the rural villages all on our own.

Despite enjoying the solitude and purity of these gorgeous beaches, we decided to rally and actually do something the next day. We booked an island hopping tour that visited 4 of the uninhabited islands close by. We snorkeled for the first time! We were swimming with the fishes in the deep blue sea. Joy!
Now, I don’t have an underwater camera, but trust me. It was just simply stunning. The highlight of the day, however, was the Emerald Cave. Guided by one of our boat’s crew, we swam into the mouth of a small cave, through a labyrith of tunnels echoing with excitement, and turqoiuse water glowing in the dark. When we reached the sunlight on the otherside we found oursleves in a tiny hidden cove in the center of the island, surrounded on all sides by towering cliffs. It was one of the most unique places we have ever seen. We watched a tour group of monks act like little kids frolicing in the water, splashing, laughing and chanting. It was magical.

Koh Lanta was one of our favorite places in Thailand. We may have never left if it weren’t for Jim and Julia being in Koh Yao Noi! So we departed Lanta in anticipation of seeing Jim after he spent the last 3 years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Uguanda. What better reason to pack up the beach towels and mosy on to yet ANOTHER drop-dead gorgeous Thai island?
loved the blog!!! What amazing pictures! Thanks for sharing, it really put a smile on my face!
Enjoy the next chapter of your adventure!
Love Aunt Joan
Thanks Aunt Joan! Great to hear from you. Even better to hear about that smile. Thinking of your guys every day. Glad to hear Larry is doing as well as possible! He’s on our minds! Lots of love! xoxox